Book stocking section has the collection of text and reference books prescribed in the syllabus and also relevant text books.

  • Biological Experiment LaboratoryThe BioLab facility includes an , microscope, spectrophotometer (instrument used to measure the spectrum of light absorbed by a sample). BioLab allows researchers to illuminate and observe individual experiment containers, and BioLab's life support system can regulate the content of the atmosphere.
  • Web Online Public Access Catalogue (Web OPAC). It facilitates online search queries related to availability of library resources viz. Books, Book Bank books, Journals, CD/DVDs, Back volumes and project reports.
  • An A.V.Hall (Audio & Video Section) has been established for organizing NPTEL Video programmes, Spoken Tutorial Workshops, Seminars, Conference and Viva voce examinations.
  • ook Bank Section caters to the needs of students who avail the post-metric scholarship offered by the Government of India. The eligible students can avail six books at a time. The books are issued for a period of one semester and to be returned at the end of the semester.
  • e-Library with internet connected computers for access to e-resources.